Psalm 34:10

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Psalm 34_10

Even the strong lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.

Psalm 34:10

Our God is a God of abundance. He experiences no shortages. There are instances in Scripture when He lacked something for a time, like in Isaiah when He looked for someone to intercede and saw no one, or when Jesus did only a few miracles in Nazareth because He found little faith among the people. But even when human responses are lacking, He still finds a way to accomplish His purposes. He can multiply bread to feed thousands, turn water into wine when normal supplies run out, and raise up laborers to go into the harvest. His only limits are the boundaries of His own character. Within His nature, all things are possible.

Why, then, do His people experience lack? If He is the God of abundance, why do we sometimes have trouble paying the bills? One reason may be that we can know Him as Provider only if we have needs that require His provision. We have to experience lack and depend on Him in order to see Him come through for us. Even so, there are delays in His provisions that we sometimes don’t understand and limits on what we can do because our supplies are short. Most of us don’t have unlimited income; our resources are a factor in determining our options. We see lack everyday. 

But that’s from our perspective, where we measure lack in terms of all our biggest desires. Whatever dream isn’t being fulfilled at the moment causes us to feel like we’re lacking in that moment. But God is always satisfying our needs and more. At any given moment, He is either providing or planning a provision. He may allow uncomfortable seasons, but He envisions no crisis of need in the lives of those who trust Him. We are promised His provision always. 

Father I am trusting You for all I need, and I know You often provide much more. Please let me experience Your abundance in every area of my life.”

Source: The One Year Experiencing God Devotional by Chris Teagreen

This morning, as soon as I woke up and greeted God a good morning, the first thought that came to my mind was – how will I pay the bills? Yesterday, I confirmed that we will be rendering work pro bono as our company struggles to regain the lost sales due to the COVID pandemic.

While we will mostly be reporting from home and won’t necessarily be incurring a lot of additional and unnecessary expenses, we won’t be given any salary for those hours we rendered work. In fact, we are expected to clock in the same – if not even more – hours than necessary as we will be absorbing staff work to augment the dwindled workforce.

So without any sure income in the coming weeks, it is understandable that my morning prayer would consist of bringing to God’s attention my needs – and the lack of provisions for it.

And so it was timely – and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised – that God’s Word for me today is about His abundant provision.

Indeed, time and time again, God brings me back to Matthew 6 where Jesus said we shouldn’t worry about what we eat or drink or wear for if God, the Father can feed and clothe creation in such marvelous grandeur then how much more will He do so for us who are His children?

And so I began the day filled with calm surrender and obedient trust to my Heavenly Father who I know will fulfill all my needs in the days to come.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.