Psalm 34:18

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Psalm 34_18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Psalm 34:18

Sometimes when we look at God through the lends of our circumstances, He doesn’t look very good. That’s because our circumstances lie to us. They portray a careless God or an indifferent God or even a brutally painful God. If He is sovereign, we tell ourselves, He could have prevented the crisis or chaos we’re going through. And yet He hasn’t. Therefore… and we fill out the rest of the sentence with an indictment against His good intentions.

Never in Scripture does God define Himself by the hardships of His people. In fact, the hardships often set up a demonstration of His goodness. It takes a sickness to reveal a Healer, a captivity to reveal a Deliverer, or a war to reveal a Warrior. Our need creates an occasion for Him to show who He is. So when we are hurting, it isn’t a sign of His disfavor. It may actually be a sign of His desire to meet us at a point of need.

Whatever is going on in your heart or in your life right now, it isn’t a sign of God’s displeasure or unconcern. It isn’t hidden from Him, and it doesn’t drive Him away. In fact, He is drawn to you in your times of need. Brokenheartedness and desperation are magnets for His attention. The key is lifting heartbreak and desperation up to Him as an offering, a gift of opportunity for Him to use. His love and compassion cannot refuse a heart that needs Him and knows it. 

Tell God that you need His comfort. Acknowledge your discouragement and despair. Invite Him into your painful places. Know that He wants to you meet you there.

Source: The One Year Experiencing God’s Presence Devotional by Chris Tiegreen

Today’s devotion struck a chord right in my heart. As I face another extension of this COVID-19 induced lockdown and yet another prolonged pause to my plans, there are times when I tend to ask God why everything is happening. Why I had to make a decision to be away from my family at this time? Why I had to be in a company that is so severely incapacitated we are requested to work pro bono?

It is painful knowing the long stretch ahead of me filled with more questions than answers. And yet, in the midst of this pain, I cannot deny His presence and peace. That peace that comforts me every morning when I wake up dreading the day and envelops me during my entire waking moment so that I rest at night content and joyful.

I am filled with uncertainties. And each day I make plans anew that tends to be remodeled day in and day out. But so long as I cling to Him, I know that He will carry me through this. And for that I am eternally grateful.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.