some light inside the dark tunnel

Enlightenment. That was what I somehow felt after reading the Metro article. I’m not even sure who the author was or what edition of Metro magazine it was (I think it was this month’s issue). I was in a hurry reading it as my session in the parlor (I had a manicure – which was sort of therapeutic for me) had almost ended and my mom was already impatiently waiting for me. I perused the article whose title captivated me. I perused it because I could relate to it.


The article talked about quarter life crisis. If we have midlife crisis, it has been discovered that there is also quarter life crisis. This struck young adults as they leave the world of schools and immaturity and enter the world of adulthood and serious responsibility.  Of course no one would admit that they were immature when they were in college, not unless one realizes it later on. I, for one, like to think that I have been very mature when I was in high school and in college although when I look back at those times now, I realize my pettiness in the decisions I made.


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