How to Remain Productive Despite Procrastinating

Procrastination can be a strength. Your greatest enemy can be your greatest friend. Read on to know how I use procrastination to be more productive.

I’m a procrastinator. I’m not proud of it but I’m not ashamed either. I’ve learned to accept this ugly side of me. I used to fight it but that ended in disaster. Now, I’ve learned to turn it into a strength.

Procrastination is universal. Even the most successful people do it. But despite procrastinating, they go on to achieve their goals 99% of the time.

So what’s the catch?

The key is to understand why we procrastinate. I learned that procrastination is not a default mode. It’s a response to something happening below the surface. Something we’re not conscious of.

I discovered there are 3 reasons we procrastinate:

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Productivity Tools & Improving my Laptop’s Processing Speed

Nothing kills productivity more than a slow laptop. So, in my quest to continually improve my productivity, I keep trying various tools and hacks to make work more efficient and faster.

Nothing kills productivity more than a slow laptop. So, in my quest to continually improve my productivity, I keep trying various tools and hacks to make work more efficient and faster. 

My most recent discovery is Notion HQ. It’s an all-in-one productivity app. It’s Trello, Asana, Write and Basecamp combined. 

I’ve been through so many productivity and project management apps that I forgot my login credentials for all of them. (I’ve since managed passwords with Lastpass and Google Passwords Manager just to keep track). 

Enter Notion. It promises to be everything you could ever dream of in a productivity tool. 

Not to mention it’s totally FREE! There’s a premium version of course but the free version is so good, you may not need to upgrade except in very rare cases. 

Sadly, there’s a catch. 

Too much freedom leads to inaction.

You get easily overwhelmed. Well, I did. 

Since I could basically customize everything to my own workflow – I realized, my productivity flow was flawed. Too flawed! 

Given the freedom to design my workflow, and with the time freedom I get working from home, I realized I was lazier than I give myself credit for. 

I find lots of excuses to procrastinate. 

And if not procrastinating, I’m endlessly creating systems and plans that don’t translate much into action. 

In the end, I’m worse off than when I first started. 

But there’s a ray of hope.

Continue reading “Productivity Tools & Improving my Laptop’s Processing Speed”
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