Building My Personal Brand: A Social Media Dilemma

Building a personal brand and capturing your unique identity is not easy. What if you don’t know how to merge them but want to express them both?

How many facets of personality do you have? How many unique quirks do you possess?

I wager a lot.

We are multi-dimensional people, unique from everyone else. We have different circumstances & experiences that produced the unique persons we are now.

In growing an online brand, we need to reach a specific audience. We can’t be everywhere. Our brand has to be focused.

This is easy for company brands. But what about personal brands? A person is multi-dimensional. How do you capture that?

For most people, they focus on one or two aspects only. They grow their personal brands as broadly but specifically as possible. You could be the “ambitious freelancer” or the “email guy” or the “build in public guru”. Everything is specific but with massive appeal.

But what about when there’s another side of you? Something you can’t quite fit to your “personal brand”. What do you do?

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LinkedIn Polls: Hate It or Love It?

LinkedIn polls are more popular than thought provoking pieces. And creators hate them. What makes them popular? Read on.

Yesterday I came across a goofy LinkedIn poll. It asked which of the following people hate more.

  • Nickelback
  • Twilight
  • The Kardashians
  • LinkedIn Polls

There’s a trend going around in LinkedIn where polls are favored by the algorithm. They drown well-crafted posts.

Before that, I saw a dog meme that shows LinkedIn polls are like dogs on steroids.

Image Not Mine

Creators who spent hours creating thought-provoking pieces hate it. But the algorithm loves it.

Why? Because polls generate engagement.

And algorithms exist to show what’s engaging.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Polls: Hate It or Love It?”

Stop Trying So Hard and Just Let It Flow Naturally

Recently, I’ve been too hard on myself in this whole creator journey. I’ve realized early on in my Freelancing Business journey that I need two types of strategy to succeed. I need an INBOUND and OUTBOUND strategy. 

Recently, I’ve been too hard on myself in this whole creator journey. I’ve realized early on in my Freelancing Business journey that I need two types of strategy to succeed. I need an INBOUND and OUTBOUND strategy. 

My OUTBOUND strategy is pretty straightforward. Utilize the power of online social networking. I’ve chosen my target market and I’ve consistently connected with them via LinkedIn. I’m elated that I have a high acceptance rate and in the past two weeks, I’ve steadily built my prospect list. 

The next steps are also pretty clear. Study their companies, come up with killer blog ideas and send them a pitch. 

Done. Outbound strategy finished. 

But to make freelancing sustainable, I cannot rely on just an outbound strategy. I need to find a way for clients to find me. 

Enter Inbound Marketing Strategy.

Applying what I’ve learned from Hubspot’s Content Marketing Course, I decided to also apply an Inbound Strategy for my business. This also mirrors the service I give out to clients. 

But an inbound strategy is way more difficult than an outbound strategy.

I have to come up with content that my target market would find useful and valuable. 

Eventually, I realized I had to become a content creator in order to serve my market. 

And it’s no easy feat to create content. My respect for all the awesome and excellent content creators just skyrocketed. 

Just the mere act of thinking about what content you need to put out is daunting. 

Impostor syndrome is a constant battle. Procrastination is a threat. And the lack of efficient systems is a deal breaker. 

I realized I had a lot of work cut out for me. 

But it promises to be a rewarding journey.

Continue reading “Stop Trying So Hard and Just Let It Flow Naturally”

Mastermind Groups: Why You Need It To Excel

Mastermind groups help us achieve our full potential in life. You need one to excel in this modern world. Read about my experience with one.

I’ve recently signed up for a mastermind group. And it’s the best investment I’ve ever made!

A mastermind group is a group of like-minded individuals with the common pursuit to excel in their chosen fields.

It has been more than 10 years since I’ve last joined one. And I’m glad I found a new group especially during these unprecedented times when we’re forced to isolate ourselves.

What a Mastermind Group does?

When you’re part of a mastermind group, you get to exchange ideas and solicit advice from the other members. The beauty of this setup is that you learn from different people. You are not limited to learning only from one mentor or coach.

You have a whole group of individuals of different backgrounds and experiences. While none is a singular expert in everything, everyone brings in their own expertise to the group.

Today, you may be the one asking for help. Tomorrow, you may be the one giving help.

It’s a very dynamic relationship.

Continue reading “Mastermind Groups: Why You Need It To Excel”
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