Mastermind Groups: Why You Need It To Excel

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Mastermind groups help us achieve our full potential in life. You need one to excel in this modern world. Read about my experience with one.

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I’ve recently signed up for a mastermind group. And it’s the best investment I’ve ever made!

A mastermind group is a group of like-minded individuals with the common pursuit to excel in their chosen fields.

It has been more than 10 years since I’ve last joined one. And I’m glad I found a new group especially during these unprecedented times when we’re forced to isolate ourselves.

What a Mastermind Group does?

When you’re part of a mastermind group, you get to exchange ideas and solicit advice from the other members. The beauty of this setup is that you learn from different people. You are not limited to learning only from one mentor or coach.

You have a whole group of individuals of different backgrounds and experiences. While none is a singular expert in everything, everyone brings in their own expertise to the group.

Today, you may be the one asking for help. Tomorrow, you may be the one giving help.

It’s a very dynamic relationship.

The best mastermind groups are inclusive. They don’t judge or discriminate. They are professionals but also dynamic and energetic. They know that no question is stupid and are always willing to share their expertise. At the same time, for a mastermind group to work, the members must be vulnerable enough to ask for help. They know they don’t have the answers to everything.

Likewise, be aware when joining a mastermind group, that you are listening to advice given from experience. Every person in the group who contributes their expertise does so from their own experience. Caveat emptor. It may or may not work for you.

How to join Mastermind Groups

The internet is a treasure trove of mastermind groups. With the social media evolution, almost every platform has a group catered to improving one’s self.

Some groups are free. Many are paid. Some are managed by coaches or a company – so there’s an ulterior motive. Others are simply for public interest.

Again, caveat emptor. Buyer beware. There are tons of free advice on the internet. Some from experts and well meaning individuals. Others from sinister and exploitative people. Always exercise caution and use your best judgment.

Sometimes, you would think paid programs – the real expensive ones – would give you the best community.

Sadly, I learned that is not the case.

There are really great programs – like The Freelance Movement Tribe – who are way cheaper than most coaching programs but delivers a ton of value.

Making the Right Choice

It’s tough to make the right choice. When you decide on something, you don’t really know at face value if it’s the right or wrong decision.

When I joined the Tribe, I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. I’ve just barely finished a really expensive course from another coach and the community that came with it supposedly wasn’t really helpful.

So I was a bit hesitant to join the Tribe.

If a high-paying course failed to deliver, what could I expect from one that’s 1/3 the cost?

I’m glad I took a leap of faith and proven myself wrong.

The Tribe is more than just video lessons. It’s more than just one coach mentoring you. It’s more than just a Facebook group where random strangers will give you advice for your concerns.

It’s a highly organized group where every member is assigned to a Tribelet lead by a coach and further divided into smaller Accountability Groups lead by Team Leaders.

This beehive network ensures that every person who joins the Tribe is accounted for.

It’s exactly how every paid mastermind group should be run.

And frankly, I haven’t seen anything like it in the Philippines. Even worldwide.

I daresay that other programs like this would cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

But the Tribe, only a very affordable fee of less than $250.

But don’t let the small fee detract you from the value inside. It’s definitely worth way more than that.

So I hope you find your mastermind group. I believe everyone should have a mentor and a group who will help them grow and become better.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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