Building My Personal Brand: A Social Media Dilemma

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Building a personal brand and capturing your unique identity is not easy. What if you don’t know how to merge them but want to express them both?

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How many facets of personality do you have? How many unique quirks do you possess?

I wager a lot.

We are multi-dimensional people, unique from everyone else. We have different circumstances & experiences that produced the unique persons we are now.

In growing an online brand, we need to reach a specific audience. We can’t be everywhere. Our brand has to be focused.

This is easy for company brands. But what about personal brands? A person is multi-dimensional. How do you capture that?

For most people, they focus on one or two aspects only. They grow their personal brands as broadly but specifically as possible. You could be the “ambitious freelancer” or the “email guy” or the “build in public guru”. Everything is specific but with massive appeal.

But what about when there’s another side of you? Something you can’t quite fit to your “personal brand”. What do you do?

Most would incorporate it to increase their USP (unique selling proposition) but in my case, I decided to use another platform to showcase it.

I’m a deeply spiritual person. I’m vocal about my faith. But I confess that I can’t find how to merge them with the personal brand I’m building on Twitter now.

So I turned to Instagram. I’m going to build another personal brand – showcasing another part of me – in IG.

Will they marry in the future? Perhaps. I certainly hope so.

But for now, I’m doing what I’m comfortable with.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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