another dry spell

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The Maguindanao tragedy (I prefer to call it that) has left me generally at a lost for what to say. After all those subsequent posts and repost I’ve made, I cannot bear to make another post here – not about what has happened and the developments or even about what is currently happening to me. I know I do not live anywhere near there nor am I related to any of them. But somehow I can feel for them. I even have to stop hearing about the brutality of it all just so I will not have nightmares over what happened. I really hope the perpetrators get punished. All of them including the mastermind.

The revelations of the previous re post was also an eye opener. I know politically related violence is rampant in the country – by how much I do not know. I know a friend of mine lost his father to political violence. But the fact that it is existent and that everyone knows but no one is doing anything about it is simply harrowing. And the fact that the real modus operandi is to kill the opponent one by one – silently. It’s like the plot of some Mafia story.  It was indeed an eye opener. How our country can be such I cannot begin to imagine.


On lighter notes, I managed to revisit my almost dead Friendster account. Ever since I got hooked up with facebook, friendster and multiply had to take a back sit. But I still visit them occasionally. So while I was visiting friendster (the why’s of which I will tell shortly), I managed to get over to the testimonials page and discovered several spammy posts – the ones promoting porn sites. So I had to delete them one by one. Then I got the inspiration to search for those testimonies I’ve received from way way back when friendster was a lot cooler for me. I had so much fun reading those testimonies that I was struck with the idea to create a page here that contained all of them. I’ve entitled it What People Say About Me and it is located under the About page. There is even a part 2.

I’m really amazed at what people say about me or what their perceptions are. Just thinking about all those things they’ve said brings a smile to my face.  I get to know myself a little bit better because of what they said about me. More than that, I was encouraged to live my life the way that they see me living it. I do  not deny that lately I’ve been severely disillusioned about my life. I somehow feel like I’ve been thrown off course. Even my best friend had to ask what happened to my carefully structured plans. But reading all those testimonials brought back to mind how I should be living my life. It gave me courage to step forth and accept life’s challenges once more, knowing that I have the capacity in me to survive them.

So for those friends who’ve taken time to write those testimonials, even if it was way way back in 2004, I thank them immensely. And if you want to write your own piece don’t hesitate to go to that page and place a comment. 😀


I have gotten a roll in writing so the post as to why I visited Friendster would be separate from this post. ;D

Magarao, Philippines

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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