Eyes on Jesus

Let us “fix our thoughts on Jesus”

Hebrews 3:1

In the face of trials and challenges, despite the myriad of national issues and political uncertainties, there is a truth we can cling to — the promises of Jesus as is written in the Bible. It is the source of our hope and peace that everything is in control – not ours, but His.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.

I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him.”

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.

Lamentations 3:22-25

Blessed to be a Blessing

Today I discovered another verse in the Bible that tells us to be a blessing to others.

Titus 3:14 says Our people have to learn to be diligent in their work so that all necessities are met (especially among the needy) and they don’t end up with nothing to show for their lives. (MSG)

We must work excellently in our jobs and our businesses not just for ourselves but for others as well.


“By Your words I see where I am going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” Psalm 119:105 (MSG)

Clearly, there is the need to meditate on God’s Word day and night and make it a discipline and a habit.

Hind’s Feet

Today I am reminded to always rejoice in the Lord no matter the circumstances.

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle on the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my savior.” Habakkuk 3:17-18

v19 “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer. He enables me to go on the heights.

Lord, give me hind’s feet that I may not stand still in the face of terror but rather I may walk and make progress through my suffering, trouble, responsibility and anything else trying to hold me back.

Reflections on an Alabaster Jar

Perhaps the most poignant message I would always hear from church is about God’s grace and how I am no longer to live in shame. Such messages would always speak so closely to my heart and is something I love to hear again and again. It refreshes my spirit who at times is tempted to listen to the lies of the enemy concerning my guilt. 
You see, I have experienced what it’s like to be saved and absolved from the guilt and shame of my past sins. Sins that have consequences which I would always encounter and battle. Consequences that are a constant reminder of the wrongs I’ve committed against my family, my self and God. 

But last Sunday’s message revealed once again how I am no longer to live in that shame. That I am now forgiven and are called to live in victory. 

Luke 7:36 – 48

The message about the immoral woman who wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair and tears annointing Him with alabster jar of expensive perfume is a story on what it means to be forgiven and be redeemed from your shame. 

The Sinful Woman and the Self-Righteous Pharisee

Here was a woman, considered sinful by society annointing Jesus’ feet. Jesus was at the home of Simon the Pharisee who he has cured of leprosy. Simon was indignant that Jesus would let a sinful woman touch him. He had forgotten that he too was once ostracized by society for his disease (leprosy was considered an unclean disease and the result of sin) and now he was cured and accepted. Simon, although cleansed still lacked the revelation that he was also forgiven for his sins. 

Yet the woman, clearly aware of her immense transgressions felt in every fiber of her body the forgiveness Jesus offered. 

Tears. Hair. Kiss. Perfume. 

Tears – Let the tears flow and let the hurts go. 

She wept and let her tears flow releasing all the hurt she felt from her years of wallowing in her sin. Her years of bondage were over and she was letting go of all the hurt by crying it all out to Him. 

Psalm 56:8 says: 

You keep track of all my sorrows.You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

God cares for each of our troubles. He has seen each tear we wept and hears each cry we raise up. 

It is alright to cry and call out to Him. Nothing is in vain. In time, He will answer and make things clear. 

Hair – Leave your pride and see that God’s on your side. 

As she wept, she let her hair wipe Jesus’ feet. Jesus’ feet was probably dirty and crusty – full of mud and dust from the unpaved roads outside. Yet here she was washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiping it with her hair. Her hair which was her crowning glory – the one that defines her beauty. Now forgotten. Used like a rag cloth. 

Hair symbolizes her pride. Her pride which she now laid humbly at Jesus’ feet. The source of her beauty now offered for Him. 

When we let go of our pride, we realize that we need a God who is bigger than us to solve our issues in life. We also recognize that we have a God who has forgiven and forgives our sins. And armed with this humbling knowledge we are able to draw near to Him. 

Kiss – God’s love is felt when you have no room for guilt

As she wept and wiped His feet she kissed it repeatedly. Kissed it with the lips that had probably kissed a dozen more and been the source of her sins. Doing so symbolizes her confidence of her forgiveness. She now has peace that her spirit was restored. Her lips which caused her sin before now bring forth her healing and restoration. 

What comes out of our lips? Are they words that encourage and uplift or are they words thag cause strife and depression? Are we sources of positivity or sources of negativity?

Perfume – The best you give becomes the legacy you leave

And the alabaster jar of expensive perfume she gave? It was worth a year’s wages. It was the tool of her trade. For her to give it up to Jesus showed she wanted him to have her very best. She came prepared to offer Him not just something but her everything. 

It also showed she was unwilling to go back to her former trade and she is giving up her last remaining link to her trade. 

She gave her best. She gave her all. There was no turning back. Her life was now Jesus’. 

What she did left a legacy. The gospels recorded that Jesus ordered for her story to be told throughout history. And now we know of her feat. 

Life Application 

I too have been forgiven. From a sin so great and shameful. Now I live my life, free of guilt; full of peace; full of love. 

You can live yours this way too. Just call Jesus. He is ready to forgive no matter how seemingly big our sins are. 

Week 5: Planetshakers Live in Manila

Who are the Planetshakers? They are simply the best worship band from Australia. Back in my college days, I was only aware of Hillsong as the famous band from down under. But ever since I started attending Jesus Rocks (the church I belong to right now) I have been exposed to a lot of contemporary worship Christian music and by contemporary I mean those that can make you sing, dance, and even headbang!

Listening to their music over the last months has definitely empowered me and helped me draw closer to Jesus. When there are times I feel down – wondering if all His promises are really true and if I am indeed headed to my great destiny – I just pop in a song from the band – Limitless, Turn It Up, Nothing is Impossible or any other song form their albums – and my spirit is immediately boosted up.

There’s a definite sense of confidence and faith building whenever I am led to worship through their songs.

I am writing this blog down – way before my other week entries because I just have to convey to words how great the concert was. It was more than just a concert. It was a glimpse of how amazing heaven would be when we would have unlimited time to worship God – worship Him using the kind of music that speaks to us.

You see, worship is not about the songs really. It’s not about the music even. You can have a solemn worship with hymns. You can have a loud worship with rock songs and fast songs. You can have reggae songs as worship songs. You can have country music.

What is important is your heart – a heart that just bursts out of joy and desire to give praise to the One who saved you from your sins; the One who directs your future; the One who has loved you and continues to love you no matter what you do.

Remembering all that Jesus have done for me and all that He continues to do for my life brought out the desire in me to give Him the best worship possible. I jumped. I screamed. I shouted. I hooted. I sang. I headbangged. I was all out.

And I am so proud that it’s not just during big worship concerts I can do this type of worship. I can do it every week. At our church.

Create Momentum

If there was one thing I would keep from the concert – it’s what they shared. About how we ought to aspire to have that great moment with God and use that to create momentum. As they said, we can create good memories about the awesome night, the awesome worship, the wonderful band, the great place, the great company but what they wanted us to have is that one great encounter with God – that encounter that would create a momentum. A momentum that would start to impact a lot of people.

I have always wanted God to use me – use me for a great purpose.

And tonight, I asked for that momentum to begin. And never stop.

All Access Pass

I liked the story about the All Access Pass. One of the worship leader shared how he had to work his way up the ranks. He started by setting up chairs, arranging instruments and practicing until he became a great musician. And he did all of those to have the All Access Pass during the Planetshakers concert and to eventually be playing on the stage.

However, his friend, who was six years old didn’t have to do any of what he did – and one day just had that all-access pass. Why? Because the kid was the son of the boss.

Just like the kid, we have an all-access pass too. An all access pass to our God – our Father who has given us such wonderful promises contained in the Bible. And we don’t need to work for it. Not for a single bit.

The MRT mishap and the Friday rush hour couldn’t stop me from going to this momentous occasion which was a glimpse of heaven here on earth.

Love Won? 

#LoveWins has been all over the net eversince the July 26 ruling of the US Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage in all states. Yet despite the “love” supposedly oozing out of the hashtag, what I got were criticisms for views I’ve long held. 

It’s true I do not agree with the ruling. My Christian upbringing and my faith and beliefs make me believe otherwise. I will not apologize for my faith. It is my stand. I believe it is wrong to turn marriage into something else it was not intended to be in the first place. 

But then does it mean I love my gay friends any less? Does it mean I disrespect them and will callously treat them refusing them my help if needed? By all means NO. My love and respect for them remains. I still hold on to my opinion that some of the best people I’ve worked with are gays. Being in Marketing, I’ve encountered a lot of creative, industrious and resourceful gay people and I’ve been blessed to have them as friends and be with their company. 

And if they need me, if their world crumbles, I won’t hesitate to lend a shoulder, a listening ear and any help I can give. 

But this doesn’t mean I agree or support same-sex marriage. The Bible is clear on its stand against homosexuality and as someone who believes in it completely I cannot and will not compromise beliefs just to fit the opinions of the majority or even just to fit in and be popular. 

I would rather endure persecution for my beliefs than live in comfort knowing I have sacrificed them.

So do I contradict my beliefs when I say I love and respect my gay friends but do not support same-sex marriage? 

No. I don’t. 

For just as the Bible gives clear lines against right and wrong so does it teaches me to love unconditionally. To love others as Jesus loves me. 

If Jesus could love and forgive a sinner like me then how much more should I love and forgive others? 

It’s hard to understand. Hard to comprehend. I know. In a world that advocates relativism of right and wrong, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what love truly is. 

And as debates spring up across all corners of the globe over this ruling which can have numerous impact and repercussions for future rulings, I can see how love has really lost and not won. For when people start bashing each other over unpopular beliefs and for expressing seemingly contradicting opinions then it’s not love that’s displayed but hatred, narrowed-mindedness and disrespect. 

The Garden

The first instance where Jesus shed his precious blood for us was at the Garden of Gethsemane. This was where he went to pray on the night he was betrayed and captured. 
Read the account of Luke (Chapter 22:39-46). 

Luke, a medical doctor, recorded how Jesus shed drops of blood while he was praying in deep agony. If you think this is impossible, think again. There is a medical condition called hematohidrosis which is the sweating of blood in moments of deep pain and agony. 

Why was Jesus in pain? 

Jesus knew that he would soon be crucified. He knew the fulfilment of his mission on earth was drawing near. It’s like a convicted felon knowing that his death sentence would soon be carried out. 

But unlike any other criminal, Jesus was innocent. 

Jesus knew that before his crucifixion, he would be tortured, whipped and mocked. He knew he will suffer. 
And to top it off, he knew he would suffer alone. His disciples, whom he called friends would desert him. Even at the last hour, when his body is broken, his Father in heaven would turn His back on him. 

It was too much to bear for any man.  Jesus was both man and God. He can identify with human emotions. 

Jesus Prayer

When Jesus prayed, he said, “Father, if you are willing take this cup away from me. Yet not my will but your will be done.” 

Knowing all he knew, was Jesus looking for a way out? Certainly not!
Jesus was asking that God the Father took away fear from Him. He was asking that God strengthen him for the task that lays ahead. That’s why after the prayer an angel came to strengthen him. 

Jesus acknowledged that God was supreme and no matter how difficult it was, he still wanted to obey God’s will. 

The first shedding of blood at the garden was to free us from our disobedience. 

The first sin happened at the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. They obeyed their own will and disobeyed God’s will. 

Now Jesus, who is also called the second Adam will correct that wrong. He obeyed God’s will and disregarded his own. 

What a fitting scene that it too shall happen in a garden! 

And now we are called to do the same. 

Having been freed from disobedience, we are called to obey God’s will for us. 
We need to resist temptation- the serpent who whispers in our ears to stop believing; to disobey. 

In Matthew 27, Jesus told his disciples to pray so that they won’t fall prey to temptation. 

Oftentimes it is hard to obey God because we cannot believe His plans. We have difficulties believing He can prosper us. We find it hard to let go of certain things because our trust in Him fails us. 

Yet we know we need to increase our faith. How do we  do it? We start killing our fears. We need to let go of our fear of not being able to survive or let go of our doubts if indeed the impossible is possible. 

Fear terminated  is faith activated.

And when we feel as if the burden is too heavy for us; when we feel we are weak and struggling; then it’s simply time we cast it all upon God.

A practical way to do this is by becoming a true disciple. Read the Bible daily. Pray. Seek God. Glorify and worship Him. Honor Him with our time, money and talents. 

Jesus has saves us from the consequences of our disobedience. It’s time we live a life of obedience.