Aquino or Roxas?

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The Liberal Party is choosing between Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas for their Presidential Bet. Although Roxas was the first to announce his presidency bid, the recent death of the late President Cory Aquino and the tremendous support shown by the Filipino people for this beacon of democracy has made Aquino a contender for the presidency even if he had no intentions of running in the first place. 
Now I am at odds who to vote for. Even if I am not entirely convinced that Roxas is what the country needs right now, he is still my best bet for the presidency. Well up until I am able to investigate further the other likely candidates like Villar and Escudero – if Escudero will really run for Presidency. Even with the 2010 Elections drawing to a close, I still haven’t given up my ideals that for a change to really happen in the country, we need to change the entire political system – have only two parties instead of the numerous parties we now have, change how some government policies work out, etc. But then reality bites, we cannot really change the system now. It is too late for that and even if we do so, that would encourage a lot of uproar in the society for that would further compromise the position of the current president. What if she somehow manages to really extend her term? There would be civil war, no doubt. 
Then again, I know that I should really investigate these presidential hopefuls. It is my right to vote and it also goes to follow that it is my duty to vote wisely. Voting wisely means investigating for myself what these candidates had done and is capable of doing. Who are they really and what is their character? Are they really capable of the highest position in the country? How certain am I that even if they are morally upright now, when faced with temptations greater than what they have probably encountered before, they will not balk and give in?
Interestingly, I do not think that either Roxas or Aquino should be the president. They have done a lot for the country and they are morally upright but I do not think they have the capacity to rule the country – just yet. Maybe they should first be vice-presidents or something. In any case, I was talking to my friend today (thanks to GLOBE UNLI-CALLS which they gave to me for free), and I learned that Aquino lived in his parent’s house till the time of Cory’s death. My friend said Kris Aquino, in a statement she made in the Buzz, said that since there were a lot of memories associated with the old house, they will not allow it to be destroyed. She further mentioned that she is now allowing Noynoy to look for his own place, just make sure it’s not too expensive. Hmm. Interesting comment don’t you think? My friend and I then speculated if Noynoy really earns such a small salary that Kris is the one probably paying for his rent or expenses. Then again, a public servant’s salary is really small. 
Another thing I’ve noticed, both Liberal contenders are bachelors. Well it is true that Roxas is now engaged and Aquino has a girlfriend, but then again, it doesn’t change the point that they were or are bachelors for a long time. 
Then agian, I do not really think that personal lives determine a person’s worth as a public servant. I just hope that the next president will really have the capacity to turn the country around. I should start doing my research.


The Liberal Party is choosing between Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas for their Presidential Bet. Although Roxas was the first to announce his presidency bid, the recent death of the late President Cory Aquino and the tremendous support shown by the Filipino people for this beacon of democracy has made Aquino a contender for the presidency even if he had no intentions of running in the first place. 



Now I am at odds who to vote for. Even if I am not entirely convinced that Roxas is what the country needs right now, he is still my best bet for the presidency. Well up until I am able to investigate further the other likely candidates like Villar and Escudero – if Escudero will really run for Presidency. Even with the 2010 Elections drawing to a close, I still haven’t given up my ideals that for a change to really happen in the country, we need to change the entire political system – have only two parties instead of the numerous parties we now have, change how some government policies work out, etc. But then reality bites, we cannot really change the system now. It is too late for that and even if we do so, that would encourage a lot of uproar in the society for that would further compromise the position of the current president. What if she somehow manages to really extend her term? There would be civil war, no doubt. 



Then again, I know that I should really investigate these presidential hopefuls. It is my right to vote and it also goes to follow that it is my duty to vote wisely. Voting wisely means investigating for myself what these candidates had done and is capable of doing. Who are they really and what is their character? Are they really capable of the highest position in the country? How certain am I that even if they are morally upright now, when faced with temptations greater than what they have probably encountered before, they will not balk and give in?


Interestingly, I do not think that either Roxas or Aquino should be the president. They have done a lot for the country and they are morally upright but I do not think they have the capacity to rule the country – just yet. Maybe they should first be vice-presidents or something. In any case, I was talking to my friend today (thanks to GLOBE UNLI-CALLS which they gave to me for free), and I learned that Aquino lived in his parent’s house till the time of Cory’s death. My friend said Kris Aquino, in a statement she made in the Buzz, said that since there were a lot of memories associated with the old house, they will not allow it to be destroyed. She further mentioned that she is now allowing Noynoy to look for his own place, just make sure it’s not too expensive. Hmm. Interesting comment don’t you think? My friend and I then speculated if Noynoy really earns such a small salary that Kris is the one probably paying for his rent or expenses. Then again, a public servant’s salary is really small. 


Election 2010



Another thing I’ve noticed, both Liberal contenders are bachelors. Well it is true that Roxas is now engaged and Aquino has a girlfriend, but then again, it doesn’t change the point that they were or are bachelors for a long time. 


Then agian, I do not really think that personal lives determine a person’s worth as a public servant. I just hope that the next president will really have the capacity to turn the country around. I should start doing my research.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.