A voice in infinity

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Writing blogs which details personal ideas, personal stands, personal philosophies and personal day to day living, is for me a person’s attempt to let the whole wide world know of what his mind has to say.

When blogs first gained popularity there were a lot of debates about the morals of it and its importance to human life. Of course there were those who were in favor of it and those who widely oppose it. I myself seemed to find it a person’s desperate attempt to gain attention to one’s self. I reasoned that why should people attempt to create an virtual journal open to the public eye? I guess at that time I was a very private person who believed that journals – and diaries, for that matter – are things better kept to one’s private eyes.

Little did I know that a couple of years after the blog boom I would be here, baring my soul for the whole wide world to judge. I didn’t quite picture myself to be a blogger. I keep a journal and my entries on it are far from your typical diary but they are for my eyes only. My blogs however are for public consumption. And why do I do this? Why the sudden change of heart?

Perhaps it’s the thrill of publicity. I have once wanted to become a writer – perhaps a novelist although I can’t quite create a decent story. Then again, I knew I could write and I love writing. I found out that blogging is the closest thing I got to creative writing. It’s the avenue for me to use words I learned from reading and that would otherwise be hyfaluting to use in normal conversations. It’s the avenue for me to receive feedback on my thoughts and views in life. And it’s a way for me to get published – for free.

How I wish bloggers could be paid for simply blogging about anything under the sun, not necessarily themselves but on topics of general personal interests. How I would love that! (haha..lumalabas na naman and pagka business minded ko).

Yet I am content to be able to hit a lot of birds with one stone. Blogging for me is a way for me to share my passion for writing, to put into use my extended vocabulary (for otherwise I wouldn’t know what are the specific uses of the words I get to learn through reading) and to update my friends on what is happening about me.

So if my very first blog entry was about my wondering on why people write blogs, then this blog entry, which isn’t my last, is most definitely an answer to that.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.