work rants yet again

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One moment of irresponsibility. A lifetime to pay for it. 
Apparently, I’ve confirmed that I will never be able to get that apprenticeship post. I was not even endorsed for it so that my case could be reviewed and considered. There was even no decency to inform me that my application has been rejected. I had to learn through other, unofficial means that I won’t be getting the part because I wasn’t even qualified for the part in the first place. Maybe I should ask for my resume back. I could still use it and submit it elsewhere. 
Then another thing that really pissed me off was that they just swapped my schedule. They said that if one did well in the metrics one will have the privilege to make a bid for his/her preferred schedule. I made my bid. I expected to get it. After all, I was one of the top agents of the team. I found out that the schedule was actually granted. BUT there was this agent who wanted to swap her schedule for mine. It was my day-off when all of this happened. By the time I got back to the office, the swap has been made and I had no say about it. They didn’t even ask for my permission. Oh yes they called me but it was four in the morning when they did! The whole house was asleep and everyone was awakened by the call – which I didn’t really get to answer. And when I asked my supervisor why he called, he didn’t even bother to explain why. I guess the bad news had to shock me first, without him in the office and without him hearing my angry tirade. 
Oh yes I was angry. I was really pissed off. I work my ass off in this job, do all I can to be a good and worthy agent, try to deliver the best service that I can and the simple things I ask they won’t even grant. I want to say “to hell with them” but I have been raised a good Christian, had spent my college years growing up in the Lord, and I have learned that what would Jesus do (WWJD) in this situation is to turn the other cheek and say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” 
And so I hold my tears up. I just sniff and try my best not to cry; feign a convincible cheerful voice to my customer and do my best in my calls again. 
But if before I try to take in as many calls as possible, to help lower the number of calls waiting and try to increase the service level, now I try to prolong a call as much as I can and even make use of the 1 minute after call. Before, I would almost lose my voice because right after I deliver my closing spiel to one customer I would immediately answer the next call and deliver my opening spiel. I don’t bother with the 1 minute after call. That was before. Now I make use of everything. I can’t accept it that there was this day when I took in 33 calls and did my best in each and because I had my AHT at only 12 minutes, I failed in that metric. 
Nagpapagod ka na nga, kumakayod ng todo, babagsak ka pa. Parang mali ang equation. Mali talaga.
But then that is their decision. That is what they want. Who am I to question? Who am I to ask? I am but a small voice. A simple agent whom I’ve discovered they don’t give a damn about.
Post Script:
Well the day ended well. All’s well that ends well. I got an interview for the QA Apprenticeship so it seems that I actually got endorsed. And my sup was indignant that my schedule got swapped so he rectified it even though he had to go through a lot of channels since India had plotted the sched already. Oh well. Guess the day ended fine after all.


One moment of irresponsibility. A lifetime to pay for it. 


Apparently, I’ve confirmed that I will never be able to get that apprenticeship post. I was not even endorsed for it so that my case could be reviewed and considered. There was even no decency to inform me that my application has been rejected. I had to learn through other, unofficial means that I won’t be getting the part because I wasn’t even qualified for the part in the first place. Maybe I should ask for my resume back. I could still use it and submit it elsewhere. 


Then another thing that really pissed me off was that they just swapped my schedule. They said that if one did well in the metrics one will have the privilege to make a bid for his/her preferred schedule. I made my bid. I expected to get it. After all, I was one of the top agents of the team. I found out that the schedule was actually granted. BUT there was this agent who wanted to swap her schedule for mine. It was my day-off when all of this happened. By the time I got back to the office, the swap has been made and I had no say about it. They didn’t even ask for my permission. Oh yes they called me but it was four in the morning when they did! The whole house was asleep and everyone was awakened by the call – which I didn’t really get to answer. And when I asked my supervisor why he called, he didn’t even bother to explain why. I guess the bad news had to shock me first, without him in the office and without him hearing my angry tirade. 


Oh yes I was angry. I was really pissed off. I work my ass off in this job, do all I can to be a good and worthy agent, try to deliver the best service that I can and the simple things I ask they won’t even grant. I want to say “to hell with them” but I have been raised a good Christian, had spent my college years growing up in the Lord, and I have learned that what would Jesus do (WWJD) in this situation is to turn the other cheek and say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” 


And so I hold my tears up. I just sniff and try my best not to cry; feign a convincible cheerful voice to my customer and do my best in my calls again. 


But if before I try to take in as many calls as possible, to help lower the number of calls waiting and try to increase the service level, now I try to prolong a call as much as I can and even make use of the 1 minute after call. Before, I would almost lose my voice because right after I deliver my closing spiel to one customer I would immediately answer the next call and deliver my opening spiel. I don’t bother with the 1 minute after call. That was before. Now I make use of everything. I can’t accept it that there was this day when I took in 33 calls and did my best in each and because I had my AHT at only 12 minutes, I failed in that metric. 


Nagpapagod ka na nga, kumakayod ng todo, babagsak ka pa. Parang mali ang equation. Mali talaga.


But then that is their decision. That is what they want. Who am I to question? Who am I to ask? I am but a small voice. A simple agent whom I’ve discovered they don’t give a damn about.



Post Script:


Well the day ended well. All’s well that ends well. I got an interview for the QA Apprenticeship so it seems that I actually got endorsed. And my sup was indignant that my schedule got swapped so he rectified it even though he had to go through a lot of channels since India had plotted the sched already. Oh well. Guess the day ended fine after all.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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