wake me up

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Am I dreaming? It still feels surreal – this new job of mine. I still wake up every morning or go to work daily thinking that I would need to log in on the AVAYA and deliver my opening spiels. Sometimes I wonder if I would wake up in the middle of a call, only to find out that I am not really an MT but a call center agent still. Maybe it’s the distance of the two companies – they are literally neighbors so going to work everyday as an MT feels like going to work as a call center agent. Maybe it’s the swiftness of the transition – one evening I was taking calls, the next I was already training as an MT.

For whatever reasons I may have, I am glad to be in this new job of mine and if it really is a dream, please wake me up so I can turn it into reality. Much as I miss the old environment I was in – apparently it had more comforts when it came to amenities and facilities, I still wouldn’t give up what I have now. Even though the work is definitely more frustrating – it gets challenging when you find that you cannot spell a particular word and you cannot understand what the dictator is saying, I am still immensely contented with it. For I am learning new things everyday and I know I will continue to learn. I know I will not stagnate – not for a really long time.

And as I told my interviewer, being an MT is the closest thing I could get to a medical career. I cannot be a doctor, for I know that I could not cure patients – I lack the sympathy criterion. Yet I am deeply fascinated by the study of medicine – this branch of science that deals with the human body and its processes. However, to study medicine for the sake of education is a luxury I cannot afford as of the moment. And so I must get what I can get and being an MT is one sure way of learning medicine without really paying for it. In fact I am earning while I am learning.

Time to go to another shift.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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