Instant Visit to Caramoan

It looks like paradise. It well can be. The photos do Caramoan justice. Sometimes I feel it makes the islands look even better. 

But nothing compares to the feeling of being there actually experiencing the place. 

January had barely begun when I finally got the chance to visit this famed exotic place. It’s a 4+ hour drive from our home in Naga through never ending winding roads. Normally travellers would travel 2 hours to the place by boat from Sabang Port to Guijajo Port then some 1+ hour land travel to the jump off point to see the islands. However we were a large group and the trip was a very DIY one that we simply rented a van and drove to the place. 

While the ride was scenic and the road fairly well developed, if you have motion sickness, I don’t recommend it. It’s extremely zigzag and you’ll endure it for 2 hours. But the view is really beautiful. You’ll see Mt. Isarog, Mt. Iriga and Mt. Mayon lined up behind the sea. We also saw the hills wrapped in clouds bathed with the early morning sun as it was early morning (around 4am) when we travelled. 

Since it was really a DIY trip, we had no contact when we arrived at the place. We went to a beach front accomodation- Caramotan – and inquired how we can rent boats to go island hopping. Our plan is to go back home in the afternoon and not stay in the place. 

The staff were very accommodating and though we didn’t plan to stay overnight they allowed us to use a room to keep our things and use as a place to shower later on. They looked for a boat (two boats in fact) and a tour guide (who happened to be a well-accomplished and well-travelled guy) for us. 

We were able to visit the common islands and even feed some fishes and go snorkeling but all only within less than 30 minutes from the mainland. We were unable to go to the farther islands because to do so would require more time. No wonder the recommended trip is 2 days and 1 night. 

We spent only about P900 per person for the entire trip – including meals. However our itinerary is not something I’d recommend. You’d feel bitin. 

It would be great to go back and experience the islands again especially the farther ones. Next time I’ll take the boat to Guijajo port then. 

Caramoan – white sands all around. Less crowds. Pure peaceful bliss. 

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