graduation blues

I guess it must be innate in me to organize stuffs and things that my system, after such a long time of not having to organize anything, longed for it. They say dreams are the reflections of our subconscious. Then in that case, does my subconscious long for me, not just to graduate, but to organize the entire event as well?

You see I just woke up from a dream that seemed so real as most dreams are. And in that dream I was organizing a college graduation. A graduation of which I am part. Real time check: my chances and hopes for a graduation have been snatched twice – first, I failed a couple of subjects thus mooting me out of the graduation list and second, I’ve failed to submit hard bound copies of my thesis thus subsequently canceling my spot in the graduating class.

At this point, I have long lost any strong emotions about my not graduating. It seems to me to be something that is there, up for grabs, but the timing is not yet right. I have long accepted whatever might happen to me when it comes to my graduation. I must have written how many withdrawal of graduation letters already!

Yet still I do not lose hope. I know it is within reach and it is possible. It’s just that the time is not right. As it is written: There is a time for everything.

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