My sister was aghast that I was listening to Sweeney Todd’s OST way after I’ve watched the movie. In her eyes, I was a convicted grotesque and gruesome person thanks to my fascination with movies of that nature. Yet I told her that it was not so much the movie itself but the nature of the songs that compelled me to download the whole soundtrack and listen to them on my MP3. Even now, I can’t get the lyrics out of my head. Even the ultra-morbid song – Epiphany with lines that goes “We all deserve to die.” I don’t really recall the scenes in the movie per se with each song rather I am fascinated by the stories the music can tell.

I realized that I’ve always been fascinated by songs that tells story rather than songs that contains poetry. For example I like listening to songs from Miss Saigon, Evita, Phatom of the Opera and Disney soundtracks. For the purpose that the songs can be woven to form one tapestry of wonderful stories. Yet there are other reasons why I enjoy such songs and music. One of them is that I long to be able to sing such songs with rich vocal tones and quality and another is that I am forever a thespian at heart. I love theatrical performances and hearing such songs gives a skip to my heart since I can imagine what it would be like to act the songs out.

My tastes are weird – for most I know. I love songs that tells a story and that will allow me to picture out completely in my mind how the story unfolds. I marvel at how music and lyrics can unfold a story so rich, so enrapturing, so captivating. I love these songs. And I relish how they are running in my head.

“And we all deserve to die. Tell me why Mrs. Lovett Tell my why.”

-Sweeney Todd-

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