The Vast World of Article Writing and Rewriting


Since I am fairly new to this business, I know I haven’t explored or seen the most of it. Since I am an independent person foraging into this freelance writing world, I know I have so much to learn and only myself to depend upon.


One of the early things I learned was that there are certain styles necessary to make an article readable. Most of my clients are those asking me to write contents for their websites. The websites are mostly business ones that needs to come up first in search engines. For this to happen articles must be keyword rich or their language SEO ready. SEO stands for search engine optimized. Also, articles must be easy to read. That means, it must contain simple words and simple sentences. I admit I had to bend my writing style a bit just to comply with these guidelines.


Another thing I recently discovered was that most of the time they ask or they warn me not to use any software or machine to spin or make the articles. I thought to myself, who would do that? Apparently, there are softwares out there, generally called spinners, who automatically rewrites an article for you. The thought was that you create or write an article then submit it to article directories. For you to earn more, there must be a great number of views to your articles. And for that to happen, it must be at the top of search engine results. Also, it would be best if you can submit the article to hundreds of article directories.


Now of course, I don’t know half of what all of those means. What are article directories exactly? I think they are sites where you submit an article and they pay you a dollar per like a thousand views or something. Yes you put your own by-line but then the pay is really low for my tastes. Besides, you need to make sure your article generates like a thousand views or something for that to work. Again, these are all hypothetical in a sense. I am not that well-versed on the entire matter.


Still, after taking a glimpse at the vast world of freelancing, and realizing that I am not even a fraction of a hundredth close to it, I must say it all overwhelmed me. I cannot even begin to describe the enormous possibilities in this blog. For me to be really familiar or engrossed with all of this – you know write articles and spin it like a hundred times to be submitted to like a hundred article directories so that I can earn – would make me an anti-social person for all eternity. I will be as pale as any bloodsucker and as clumsy as their beloved pet.


So when all is said and done, I am still a writer at heart but not a hung-up writer to go that far. I like to write but not push myself too much so I can earn from my writing. For now I will continue writing for the clients I have – which are dwindling in numbers because I refuse to simply accept new ones; write some original articles for those article directories of which I am already a member of and then look for some employment out there that would enable me to meet new people and have a teeming social life – one that is real and not virtual.


why is it so hard?

I thought being a freelance writer will be an easy thing. I though being my own boss will be easy. I thought I’ll have more time to do the things I want. I thought wrong.

Writing, as with any other jobs in the world, also require a sort of discipline to make it work for you. Discipline which I completely lack. When I think about it, it’s a good thing I did not do this job together with my regular employment jobs else I would have sacrificed excellence in one or the other.

How I long to read a book or curl up and think of nothing in particular but I have so many things to write! Or make that re-write as well. It’s really cool in retrospect. I get to do what I want – which is write. Write all day long. But the deadlines, they are the real killers.

My biggest detractor is distraction itself. Although it is true that I can create articles, rewrites and originals, in a really quick time especially if all the resources are given (which is the usual case) still I take such a long time to even finish one or that is finish a batch. Why? There’s the internet, enough said.

Then again, I should not be distracted lest I have little time to meet my deadlines which is what is happening now. I am behind, as always.

And of course no one wants a repeat of yesterday’s events. That was horrendous. All day long I thought lack of sleep was the cause why my head was spinning constantly. But I rationalized that I have slept at least 6 hours though it was from 4:30AM to 10AM. As it turned out, yesterday, my blood pressure was down to 85/60! No wonder I was so dizzy. Yet I managed to write 7 more articles, submit them, then sleep at 12MN. To wake up refreshed at 10AM and with a BP of 100/70.

I should seriously alter my habits.

That’s it, enough for now. I have more articles to write.

it’s beginning again

whew! For the first time I am using the QuickPress feature because I just need to make a quick post. Again I am swamped with a large load of projects because for some obscure reason another client decided to give me the first batch of files the same time that I work for the really big company who assigns me a large number of articles every weekend.

So here I am beginning another big set of articles. But I am happy even if I am tired and swamped with a number of projects. Why? Because I am a writer.

I get to explore and develop different writing styles. For example right now I am rewriting news article. So I get to brush up on my news writing skills.

Indeed work, though more hectic and more toxic, is a whole lot better now a days. I’m glad I discovered freelancing and gave it a try.

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