Week #1: Visiting an Art Museum on Phil. History

It was an unexpected trip. Cultivating an exploratory spirit in tune to the recent Pluto discoveries, I decided to add some spice to my usual monthly routine. 

Arriving earlier than usual for my monthly empowerment sessions in Cubao, I decided to explore the advertised art musuem in Gateway Mall. 

Apparently it’s been around for more than a year already but not being one from Cubao, it was all new to me. 

The paintings were all brilliant works of art as each mural depicted a moment in the history of the country. It was also enchanting how each scene was painted in a way that closely resembled that moment in history. For example this painting depicting how religion flourished in the Philippines is made to look like stained glass reminiscent of many Catholic churches. 

This painting, which was the first in the series depicted the prehistoric era of the Philippinrs. I love how it’s made to resemble a cave painting. 

This painting depicting the darkest moment in Philippine history – the Martial Law years captivates the harsh reality of that time. Beside it is a painting of the EDSA revolution. 

There were many other paintings lined up in a long hall. Each one arranged in chronological order of the event in history. Every historic milestone from the famous revolutions to the formation of the Philippine Republic and government were depicted in art form. Even not so famous but important historic events like the formation of barangays in pre-colonial times to the establishment of work unions in the early 1900s were depicted. 

The paintings culminated in a portrayal of current history done in vivid colors reminiscent of hi-res photographs. It even has the PCOS machine in it. 

The exhibit is an initiative of UP Alumni Association together with several distinct artists. 

It has a coffee book table for those who wish to keep a copy of the paintings and how they were conceptualized by the artists. 

According to the guard on duty, the exhibit will run for two years. It’s open from 10am to 7pm. 

Admission is free. 

History buffs and non-history buffs alike would find value visiting this museum. I don’t think it has attracted a lot of attention given the few people milling by when I was there. But every Filipino deserves to see such artistic portrayal of our country’s history especially when it’s made so easily accessible for everyone. 

Perhaps every mall goer should decide to drop by even if just for a few minutes in this gallery and appreciate art and history together. 


Outside the musuem, on the same level is a topiary garden. It was windy and the breeze was a welcome respite from the heat. However, I was saddened to see that the topiary was plastic. Even the grass was felt. A far cry from the real gardens I’m used to in BGC and Makati. Or even the rooftop gardens I saw in Changi Airport. But for the effort, it’s worth an A. 


Note: This post is part of my 52 weeks of adventure blog series. You can read about it here: 52 Weeks of Adventure

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