The Role of MIS in a Manager’s Life

After learning about the great advances in technology and how businesses no longer have the option but to embrace the swarm, the manager’s next question will be: how does it benefit me and my organization?

Managers are trained to always look out for the next big thing and to find out how it would best benefit (and even adversely affect) the existing status quo. Managers are paid not just to manage an organization but more importantly to do so in the most cost efficient way possible. Hence, the importance of integrating technology with the day-to-day decision-making and data analysis that managers do.

In my role in the organization, I am tasked to analyze a vast amount of data in the form of units sold, customer demographics, customer buying trends, etc. and make decisions and strategies based on these data that would be profitable to the company. In one way or another, management information systems are at place to help me with this seemingly daunting task.

Yet, I must admit that it is not a system fully automated yet or even vastly effective. There are systems in place but a major part of the process is still done manually. What could be the reason behind this?

The Automation Chart || In our company, 60% of instructions are carried out manually (Processes) while 40% are automated with the help of softwares.

I am led to believe cost is a major consideration. Most companies, including ours I’m afraid, are unable to actually afford having a full-time MIS specialist to handle their MIS needs. Another reason I can see is ignorance. Yes, most companies know that they need to automate because it will eventually cost them less yet they are at a lost how to do it efficiently. Hence, they end up purchasing various off the shelf information systems which ends up costing them more since they fail to implement a customized and well-thought management information system (MIS). Sadly, my company is part of the group described above.

But such is the very reason why I am now on this journey – to initiate change base on sound theories and actual trends. And in the coming weeks, I hope to fill in that ignorance and eventually move towards a more efficient and effective organization.

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