On Building a Writing Habit and Improving Productivity

Building a writing habit is hard. Between joining writing cohorts and using coffee as a trigger, what else can I do? Should I write perfectly or imperfectly? How do I win this?

I shared last week that I am on a personal commitment to just write – and write – and write – until the habit sticks. 

Along the way, I’ve come across various resources and several people who have been an inspiration for this journey. 

And, as is no doubt evident in this blog, I haven’t stayed true to my word. I’ve skipped one day which turned into day 2 then day 3 until I stopped counting the days I’ve skipped. 

So now, I’ve rebooted myself and am back to writing. 

And this time, I’m committed (yes I am!) to make it stick. 

No Such Thing as Perfect Writing

If you want to build a writing habit, you can’t aim for perfection. There are days when your output will really suck. 

That’s ok. Just keep going. 

Writing is a muscle that we develop over time. 

Continue reading “On Building a Writing Habit and Improving Productivity”

Building the Habit of Writing

How do you build the habit of writing? Write every day. It doesn’t have to be perfect or search engine optimized. It just have to be daily.

Building new habits can be tough. Especially if they do not align with your past habits. Building the habit of writing – when you’re not naturally inclined to write – is hard.

But it’s not impossible.

As I’ve mentioned in my last post, I commit myself to write daily.

It doesn’t have to be a perfect post every time. And, with the spirit of this blog, it can be about anything under the sun.

It doesn’t have to be a long-form content every day. And neither does it have to be search engine optimized. But if I can do that, then why not?

The goal is: to build a habit of writing.

Compounding Effects

As I’ve learned in Atomic Habits by James Clear, to successfully build a habit takes a long time of repeating the desired behavior again and again.

We need to focus on 1% incremental activities daily, instead of doing overnight transformations.

This means that even if I don’t write perfectly today, as long as I keep doing this, I will eventually get better.

It will come to a point when writing will become very natural to me.

And as a writer, that’s what I aspire to be.

Continue reading “Building the Habit of Writing”
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