Intelligence is Sexy

Saying that intelligent woman cannot find a suitable mate and have higher chances of remaining single is like dooming the entire human population to a generation of dimwits. In fact, any man should be grateful to find an intelligent woman for it will assure him that his lineage will have an intelligent gene pool. It is not the girl’s fault to be intelligent. It is the guy’s fault to be cowardly.

Intelligent women are more likely to be single.

I’ve encountered this statement twice and consistently, my ears flared out. Being an intelligent woman, I totally beg to disagree from this statement which was expounded in detail in this article. The article claimed that:

Ignorant women get the man and intelligent women never feel bliss.

It goes on to further state that:

They (men) want a woman who is dumb enough to make them a priority and, unfortunately, for all those sane, rational and intelligent women out there, there’s a hefty number of these women out there.

There are plenty of women who will give up their lives for men, who will refuse to challenge them, fight them and refuse to see them as their equals, but their saviors.

Females with high intelligence in male/female relationships were seen as problematic.

…. Whereas, high intelligence in the male partner was not seen as problematic, but desirable.

The article is sickening to read. It goes on to detail that men often feel insecure with intelligent women and would rather look for dumb ones who will make the men – and the kids afterwards – the priority. It goes to state that intelligent women often go after good degrees and good careers to the neglect of a successful relationship.

Intelligence breeds ambition, which breeds neglect.

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