the last 24 hours

Or should it be the last 48 hours? I really don’t know but it felt like it’s been so long since I’ve last posted something here. So what have I been up to? Writing and learning – a lot.

Lately, I’ve been given the chance to write my own articles based on topics I care about that are generally interesting. Well, it’s harder than it looks apparently but after the finished product, I can’t help but feel proud. Not to mention the countless times I had to research these topics. Sometimes I wish I could affix my name to the articles. I would really love that. Although I cannot breach copyright laws. Once I submit the article, it is no longer mine to keep.


During one of my research, I came upon the dangers of blogging. I wanted to write an article about it but apparently a lot of people beat me to it. So what I learned was that blogging breeds online stalkers. It is possible that they do not leave comments but none the less read through your blog and stalk you. Scary. To think I have linked my facebook account here and although I post my articles using my web name, my facebook is enough to validate my real name. Maybe I should remove my FB widget. Just to be on the safe side.

But everything else aside, I still love blogging. And I still have no qualms divulging who I am and what I think. Truth be told though that I have also learned that there are a lot of people fired over what they wrote in their blogs and in some cases even imprisoned. Given the time, I may just write an article about it and post it here, that is, if I don’t intend to sell it.


New Moon is set to be released on Nov. 20. Although I haven’t been as excited about it as I was about Twilight (New Moon is my least fave of the books), after writing an article about the new comers in the cast, you can say that I am definitely looking forward to watching the movie and seeing all those hunks act out their stuff. Particularly handsome new comer, Tyson Houseman. When I was researching him on the net, there was not enough material about him which is understandable since he has only high school theater experience to his credit. But thanks to an interview, I learned more about him. Maybe I’ll make a post about that too.


So those, I guess are the latest since the last time I wrote anything. I haven’t been out of the house for 2 weeks now, thanks to the constant influx of articles to write. I miss having a social life really and my sister warned that I never took a day off. But how can you want a day off when you love what you are doing? Besides, it’s not like I am not resting and I have learned not to overly stress myself despite all the deadlines. The downside though is that I am as pale as the Cullens and I meet no new person except those I encounter online. Then again, I know I will adjust to this – adjust so that I would still have time to go out.

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