Christmas Musings on Christmas Morning

Let me take a break from my commentaries on national issues and share some thoughts on customs I’ve observed this holiday season. This blog after all is still a personal blog.

Last night, I had the privilege of helping out my aunts wrap their giveaways to carolers. It has been a tradition that carolers, the kids that is, only get treats from us instead of money. And they only get these treats, wrapped like Christmas presents on the night before Christmas. So last night, there was a line of kids waiting for their turn to sing us some carols. It was amazing to note that most of them sang the traditional, Sa May Bahay song and that none ever sang Jingle Bells or any Western carols. I was secretly happy that that was the case. It shows that these kids are in touch with the real reason for Christmas, at the very least. That it’s not about Santa, it’s about Jesus.

Another observation was that for variety of carols to sing, the kids sang TV station id’s and ad jingles. The Meralco Christmas jingle received the most airtime followed by ABS-CBN’s station id. Indeed the television has come a long way in shaping society that even Christmas carols are derived from them.

But regardless of songs sang, all the kids went home happy. We noticed they had treats not only from us but from the neighbors as well. The community has picked up the practice. We now have our own version of Trick or Treat only that it’s done on Christmas and kids have to sing to receive wrapped treats.

Merry Christmas everyone! My thanks to those who follow my humble blog.

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