not as easy as it looks

Before I formally start another round of sleepless writing frenzy, I would like to make a post about one of the projects I’m working on right now.

When I first took up the job, I thought it would be easy. But like anything in life, we should not judge at face value because nothing is really as easy as it looks. I thought posting comments on 200 blog posts would be quite easy. Apparently, it isn’t. Even though I have tweet deck to generate for me the latest blog posts in the internet (or at least a percentage of them) still the posts generated are not enough. Even though I do not have to read each post word for word (sometimes skip reading will allow you to read through blog entries real quick) still it is hard to generate a really intelligent and not generic comment.

I thought the job would be easy because I was a blog hopper myself. I understood the importance of blog hopping to increase the traffic to your site. But the fact remained that the site I was attaching to the name I’m using for the blog posts was a commercial site, and so blog owners who have the privilege of removing the URL attached to the name makes full use of that advantage. So I have seen a lot of good comments go to waste – that is the name was devoid of the URL and as such losing the whole purpose of the endeavor. But funny thing was, since I also comment using my own name and URL, the blog owners, after checking out my site, would leave the URL untouched. So the tide turns in in favor of my site but not in favor of my goal of 200 blog comments.

This project is due in a week’s time. It is at the bottom of my priorities though even if it pays 30 bucks. I’m a writer first and foremost. And so my writing assignments comes first. In any case, I will not mind too much if I don’t get to finish the project and I’m  not paid. I gained a whole lot of new websites to look into because of it. 😀

That’s enough. Time to work. 😀

the writer has been silenced

Whew. The writer in me has been silenced. The words won’t flow to translate the idea into publishable material. Editing my sister’s thesis has taken its toll. No wonder editors are highly paid – editing is no piece of cake. It is easier to write ideas than to edit them especially if they are not your own. I have difficulties editing my own articles, how much more somebody else’s work?

And it is to my regret that she has the unequivocal use of the PC which is the one with Internet access. And so I can do nothing else but write, or force myself to write, using the laptop. Maybe I will just watch a movie but then again time constraints discourages such. Then again, maybe I should just force myself to write – something I never thought I’d go through but apparently am going through right now.

The shifty weather – one time rainy, the next mercilessly hot – does nothing to help alleviate my mood.

Oh well here goes.

haunted to write

It is night time. For a perpetual night owl I should be taking advantage of this opportunity wherein I am not at work to take some shut eye during the night. But the night haunts me. My writer instincts prevail. I must write the million ideas in my mind lest they forever slip away into oblivion – forgotten and rusted. And so I toil on. One by one transforming thoughts into written words.

can’t help but write

Ganito pala talaga siguro pag writer ka. Or feeling writer. Hindi mo mapigil and iyong sarili magsulat. Parang bawat ideya na dumampi sa iyong utak kailangan mong masulat. Di kaya baka tuluyan na nitong lisanin ang iyong isipan.


In any case I am now writing using the basic and primitive resources for any writer – a pen and paper. Sad to say I am at no liberty ot use my preferred means – the computer. I am now at work and eventhough I have access to the PC, there is no means for me to publish what I write using it. So I have to contend with this.

And speaking of computers, my mother’s observation was right when she noticed that 90% of my waking moments are spent in front of the computer. My work requires me to be in front of the computer all the time and when I get home, I still choose to be in front of the computer writing my blogs!

Yet nothing gives me more joy than to write; to see people reading what I’ve written and reacting to it – either in agreement or disagreement.

When I told a co-worker that I’d be resigning because I find my job boring, repetitive and non-challenging, he said, that all jobs in due time become as such.

I beg to disagree. I believe writing as a job will never be boring nor repetitive nor non-challenging. Not unless you write obituaries for a newspaper. But then I believe that there are jobs out there which are not boring or repetitive or non-challenging no matter how many times or eras you do them.

Do you think the hosts of NatGeo documentaries or Discovery Channel Travel shows ever become bored with their jobs? Do you think journalists or international correspondents ever become unchallenged by what they do or find their tasks repetitive?

Point is: There are jobs out there which will constantly challenge you, push you to the edge and require you to constantly change and improve yourself for the better.

And its those jobs that I long to do. I long to have. Some may think I’m crazy. I already have a job that in all respects is easy and does not require too much of me. I go to work, take calls, go home and that’s it. What more could I ask for?

But then I do long for more. I am not made or cut-out for jobs such as this. There are people who appreciate the "static-ness" of it all but I’m not one of them.

I know God made all of use unique and gave each one of us a niche in this world. To go against that plan or to reside in a niche not for you will eventually end up in disappointment, dissatisfaction and disillusionment.

I yearn to find my niche and live life to its fullest!



Post script: Ang hirap pala i-type ang naisulat na. Di na ako sanay. At parang iba din ang writing style. O imagination ko lang un?

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