My Heart Goes Out to Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a beautiful country. What’s happening today is heartbreaking and begs the question: what can we, the world, do?

The recent news over what’s happening in Afghanistan is heart-breaking. Despite not monitoring the news as closely as before, my husband alerted me to it when the events broke out.

By evening, I saw the videos circulating on Twitter showing one harrowing scene after another.

This morning, I watched US Pres. Joe Biden’s official statement over what happened. And so began my investigation.

The War That Stretched Too Long

Afghanistan has been at war for as long as they can remember. From the war with the Soviets to the internal civil war to the war with the US Army. They’ve been at war for far too long.

This video by Al Jazeera gives a clear summary about who the Taliban are and why is Afghanistan fighting such a long war.

Who are the Taliban? This video, made 2 months before the US left the country, summarizes the conflict in superb detail.

In Pres. Joe Biden’s speech, he said he wanted the bucket to stop with him. The war with Afghanistan has stretched for far too long and he cannot keep sending generations of Americans to fight their internal battles.

The US war in Afghanistan began with the relentless pursuit of Osama Bin Laden, thought to be the mastermind behind the Sept 11 attacks. It has gone on for 20 years now even as Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2011 by the US Army in Pakistan.

Yet despite accomplishing this 1st mission, the war raged on as the US attempted to help Afghanistan establish a democratic government.

Sadly, after 9 more years of helping the internal battle, the US has called it quits.

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