Some reflections inspired by the East Meets West: Pacquiao-Hatton Fight

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• Although I initially laughed at the outcome of the fight, and I wondered at the ineptitude of Hatton and even made fun of his loss, I eventually pitied the man when I saw what he looked like when he was KO. (I listened to the real-time fight over the radio). For a second I also feared for his life. I am no boxing enthusiast so I really didn’t knew how bigshot a fighter he was (oh yeah, he had only lost once, but naïve as I am, what was that to me?). And after I learned about who he really was, I was even more surprised at how fast Pacman beat him.

• Manny is really down to earth. In due fairness, I’ve made fun of all his verbal slips and his apparent stints in showbiz and politics, yet I must admit that I admire his humility and attitude towards his fights. He is concerned for the welfare of his opponents, as evidence in the recent fight, and so unlike other boxers who would immediately rejoice a triumph without even bothering to ascertain the condition of his opponent. Manny is different. He wouldn’t rejoice his win at once, he would first see that his opponent is really OK. And he doesn’t challenge other fighters unlike those he fought with who openly challenged him and bragged along the way what a sure-win fight for them it would be.

• I’ve also learned, thanks to my boxing enthuasist mom, that Manny has a high IQ to his credit – that is he seriously studies the moves of his opponents and strategizes on what he can do to beat them. His techniques change depending on who he is fighting with. In other words, in this career of his, Manny never fails to do his research. Or maybe he just have an excellent training team who does all of the above for him and simply instructs him. in that case, he is then a good follower.

• And what I most admire about this guy, Manny, is that he is able to bring glory to God. I mean he doesn’t fail to credit his victories to the Almighty whom he prays to before every fight.

• An article in the Manila Bulletin said that combined with the Pacquiao’s excellent training team and his prayers before the fight and devotions, allows him to be where he is now. He further went on to imply that without the knowledge of his faith, everything would seem oddly creepy.

Who would make fun of Manny now?

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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