pride turned to shame

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Even as the Maguindanao massacre sheds a negative light to the Philippines, there are still people who give the country a ray of hope to hang on to.


The recent victory of Efren Peñaflorida as CNN Hero of the Year is a testimony to the world that the Filipinos are not all barbaric and merciless. That in this corrupt country there still exists people with a selfless heart and a sense of goodwill to others.


The constant victories of Manny Pacquiao also stands as a testament to the world that the Filipinos are good in their chosen field of expertise. And that there are Pinoys who achieve victory in the goals they set their minds to.


Yet I lament that these recent victories have to be overshadowed by the onslaught in Maguindanao. That right now, the world views the country as a very dangerous place to be in despite of the victories others have worked hard for to bring glory to the country. (Glory may not have been their first goal as in the case of Efren but still, he managed to achieve it.)


If before we were basking in pride that we were Filipinos, proud of the achievements our fellowmen brought in, now we cannot even hold our head high, as we cringe in shame at the inhumanity of some of our brothers.


I am extremely saddened that some Filipinos can have it in their hearts to soil the name of our country. No country really is perfect just as none in this world is perfect. But I still wish, and pray, and dream that there will come a time when Filipinos everywhere will be of one heart and soul – to bring glory to the nation and to the God Almighty.


And by that time, all these senseless killings would have ceased.




I have read in comments and Facebook posts that some people are losing hope and thinks that another bloodshed would be better in resolving the conflict or bringing forth justice. But bloody vengeance has never been the solution to any bloodshed. As I replied countlessly, another bloodshed will not resolve a previous one. Cliché as it may be, or seemingly hopeless, the resolution of an injustice must be achieved by methods promoting justice – the accepted lawful way.

Magarao, Philippines

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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