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I can’t help but take pity at Noynoy Aquino. He has been thrown into the brightest spotlight in the land today – a spotlight of which I don’t think he is completely ready for. I can imagine the pressure he is in right now – an outspoken presidential candidate has given up his post for him and thousands of Filipino people are urging him to run for the highest position in the country.

If before he had some desire to be president, he must have been shocked that such a desire would  materialize so early  and catch him completely unprepared. No wonder he needed the weekend to think and pray it over. 


I personally don’t think he is fully capable of running the country. Yet he has all the elements, reminiscent of the past, going for him. We have been under a President whom everyone believes has overextended her term, much like Pres. Marcos did. We are under an administration that have seen more deaths – army attacks, extra-judicial killings – somewhat similar to the salvage days of the Martial Law era. We are under an administration that claims economic prosperity which no one can really feel – GDP and GNP increases but the price of basic commodities remains expensive and more Pinoys go hungry everyday.

And now we have been presented with a choice for honest governance. Yes, he seems to lack experience but didn’t Cory also lacked experience when she assumed the position? 

Yet times are also slightly different now than before. During the 1980’s there were just two options – Marcos or Aquino. Now we also have Villar, Lacson, Binay, Escudero, De Castro, Panlilio even Estrada plus who knows who else. Wouldn’t it be all simpler if we would be left with just two options – a pro-administration and one against the administration. As I can see it, most of the candidates basically fight for the same reforms and causes. I believe that based on the basic premises of their platforms, we can categorize them into just two categories which would make our decisions much easier. 

I hope Noynoy gets the Divine guidance he needs. May the Lord speak to him about what the country really needs and what he really ought to do. And may the Lord speak, not only to him, but to the other presidential hopefuls as well. And may they have the nerve enough to listen to Him.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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