on nationalism and working abroad

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I have always loved my country. I have even dreamed of serving her. Reading my journals, which dates back to the times when blogs weren’t yet invented, I could see entries containing my plans on what I would do for the country if ever I was elected the president. I love my country that I had never even considered going abroad to work even when my relatives all around me kept migrating to one country after the other.

I have told myself that the Philippines is enough for me; that I will learn to survive on her shores; that I will do my best to alleviate her suffering. I have been full of idealistic ideals back then. Again, that is, back then – when I was still a student, a mere spectator of the reality of dire situation of our country.

Now I am part of the workforce – no longer a spectator but an actual player in the country’s economy. I know what it takes to earn every single cent in my payroll; to pay every single centavo of tax automatically deducted from my salary. I know what it means to budget my money since I am not just paying for my own needs and wants but also catering to my siblings’ needs and wants. I now  know what it’s like to be part of the country’s workforce.


The BPO Industry



I have felt what it’s like to earn something, to want to buy something from what I’ve earned, yet be denied because the money needs to be used for more practical means and the thing I wanted was a bit way above me current means. In short, I know what any other member of the Philippine workforce feels. I have entered the real world.

Indeed it is true that I went back to living in my parent’s house – thereby greatly reducing the cost of my daily living by more than 80% ( I don’t pay for rent or food or laundry) but still I have my own financial obligations around the house.

Earning had made me realize in perspective what would be the scenario when I have my own family to feed; to send to school; to attend to. Earning had made me realize what life would be like when I have other people depending on me and it is their needs and wants, not just my own, that I want and am obliged to fend for. Earning made me realize that if situations in the Philippines don’t improve or my salary doesn’t increase, then a job abroad is indeed very, very tempting – especially if you have a lot of relatives willing to process your papers for you.

Yet I still remain true to my initial desire of not leaving this country just so I could earn more; of hoping against all odds that everything will turn around somewhere and the nation will be a better place after all. But just so no one becomes surprised, being exposed to the real deal, to the real state of things, gets one thinking about the more pragmatic options there are out there.

It is never anyone’s conscious decision to leave the land of his birth. It is, I believe, no one’s choice to spend the most part of life away from the company of loved ones, of familiar people and familiar surroundings or cultures. It is, I believe, no one’s desire to serve in a foreign land and adapt to alien customs. But then practicality forces one to make such hard decisions – the need to be away from family and friends for long periods of time, the need to brave a new culture and environment for months, even years on end.

In the end, we tend to think that those who left the country didn’t love their mother land. We tend to think of them as somewhat traitors to their country, serving a foreign race when there are more people in need of their help and services here. But then who are we really to blame them if they seek greener pasture elsewhere? Who are we to judge them if they decided to live in a land they deem would bring a brighter future to them and their family? Who are we indeed to judge them when we do not know an inkling of the decision process they went through.

My aunt said that in order for her to become a US citizen, she had to memorize and sing the Star-Spangled Banner, which is the national anthem of the US. That song is a ballad, very much unlike our national anthem which is a march song. My aunt does not know how to sing. I can imagine her pains, memorizing a song, foreign to her and having to sing it in front of scrutinizing foreigners just to prove her desire to be part of their nation – a nation I know she would under different circumstances exchange for the Philippines. Yet she was left with no choice. To remain in the country and raise her family here would serve her a life sentence similar to her brother who is barely skimming above the country’s poverty line. Another scenario would be like that of her older brother – the family only becomes complete once in a blue-moon. She chose to have her entire family in the place where she knew she would be most richly compensated for – and she has a mansion of a house to prove that.


people lining up in the POEA office to apply for jobs abroad



Now, my dad is on his way to Madagascar. It is sad. It is not what we would have originally chosen for ourselves – once again we would be missing another family member in the house, just when I have decided to come back home after years of studying far from it. But then I still have two siblings who have yet to finish their college degree and this is just practical for our family.

I guess the day would come when our country would drastically improve its economy; when the taxes that are deducted from my salary are 100% diverted to public funds and not personal pockets; when the salary one earns is enough to pay for all the needs of a household because the price of goods is at par with the payroll.

But until that time came, I am not closing my doors to the possibility of a greener pasture beyond Philippine shores.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

4 thoughts on “on nationalism and working abroad”

  1. Passing by.

    I have no plans to leave the country. I dunno, I have no plans to get rich and I just like my life to stay simple, I think I can manage that. Everything I need is here.

    Things are gonna be different if I get to have children. But that’s something I don’t want to think about yet. And I love my country too much despite the pollution and the corrupt government, I feel sad that so many skilled people are leaving the country (and I can’t blame them if they dream for something bigger).

    Just sad.

    1. Thanks for passing by! I really appreciate it.

      Having a family does changes things, and I guess the pressure is more on the guy since in our society the father is the traditional bread winner. Then again women have entered into the role as well and thus we see how in our society, that whoever of the two parents are better equipped to go abroad – that is better trained and more emotionally prepared – gets to be the one to sacrifice time from the family.

      It is indeed sad that there are great Filipinos who feel that their talents and skills and unappreciated in their own soils. I really cannot blame them if they are able to find fulfillment in foreign shores. Yet I’m sure that they really long for their own country men to be applauding them instead of aliens.

  2. leaving does not mean you don’t love your country enough. most of the time, it’s just a matter of priorities. some people want to help their family more, some want the experience, some want the opportunity to expand their horizons, etc.

    i would even recommend that other people try living abroad even for just a short while. it makes you realize a lot about yourself, about your own biases, about things done in other countries that we could apply to our own. in truth, living and working abroad even for just a short while will make you love your country more.

    just a thought 🙂

    1. I agree! I was given the opportunity to visit Singapore some years back and I marveled at the beauty of the country which was brought about by the discipline of their citizens. I wondered what would happen to the Philippines if her citizens would learn the same discipline. Perhaps our country would be so much more better?

      I could go on dreaming for our country but I am afraid that such dreams would remain just what they are – dreams.

      Thanks for dropping by the way! I really appreciate it! 🙂

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