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She’s all lost and alone,
Scared of too much things.
If only she could see how much she’s grown,
Or appreciate the little things life brings.
She said she’s at the edge of a cliff
And all she wants to do is jump.
Can’t she see that life’s not that stiff,
Not straight roads, but also full of bumps?
She’ll never know whether she’ll crash or fly
Or discover life in its fullest bloom.
I wanted to desperately ask her “why?”
“Why now and why this soon?”
                She’s my lost and lonely girl
                Always aloof and apart
                She’s the Nowhere Girl
                Can’t you see how you’re breaking my heart?
Tears well up in her eyes
As she feels the need to be free.
Yet she’s scared of long and sad goodbyes
Of unknown things and uncertainty.
Go and live your life, my sweet Nowhere Girl
Go! And let your sails unfurl.
Go and discover what life really is,
Carpe Diem, never resist.
                She’s still the Nowhere Girl,
                Always looking beyond the horizon
                If she finds her path, her destiny
                Then the girl will soon be ready…
If you go tired of chasing your dreams,
Flowing like water between the seams,
Then surely you can return home…
And you’ll find you’ve never been alone. 

*made for me  by someone “special” ;-P

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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