more than words

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Sometimes I think writing, like any other thing in this world, can experience a temporary dry spell or a temporary lack of luster. A friend of mine was aghast to discover that after he became a freelance writer, he had so little time to write in his personal blog as compared to the time when he was not a freelance writer. I guess doing writing for a living zaps the energy out from us to create our own personal posts.

Rewriting is ok. The idea is not yours and you simply re-word an existing article. But writing a whole new article based on a given topic is really something else. As you pound your brain for words on how to expound on the topic.. as you search for new ways to pen ideas into life.. energy seeps out of you that after the article is done, you are pretty much exhausted to write another one. But you push on because it is mandated and required by your job.


I feel sad. Not depressed, just sad. I realized this will be the first Christmas we won’t have as a family. My dad won’t be home with us for Christmas. I am sad thinking he will be spending the holidays alone, without us. I am sad thinking we will be spending the holidays without him. But then we must adapt. Things will eventually end this way. We must prepare ourselves now.


Funny how feelings of anger or indignation can elicit a flurry of words for me to write on but feelings of sadness – the really deep kind – can only elicit silence. No words would flow. Even tears are denied of me now to ebb the sadness constricting my heart. 🙁


Blogging. The writer’s best friend. This is true and a statement I can fully relate to. And even if asked to insert several seemingly ambiguous keywords, I know I can pull off this article. So why the apparent lack of words? Is this because energy for writing an article closer to home is severely diminished as compared to writing an article on a more foreign subject? Maybe. In any case, I better get back to writing my article.


New site updates: There is progress. Even if just minimal.

Magarao, Philippines

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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