jumping buses

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Have you ever tried jumping inside a moving bus? Well. I did. Today. 
It all started when I didn’t sleep during the time I was supposed to be sleeping in order to prepare myself for my 9pm-6am shift. I knew at that time that something was definitely wrong in my system. I am never this irresponsible when it comes to work. But then I found myself sleeping during the time I was suppose to be preparing for work already – another big NO-NO. 
Apparently, it seems I was pushing myself to some unknown limit. And sure enough, I found myself not wanting to show up for work anymore. The desire to be absent was so strong, I even moved slowly despite the fact that the time clearly shows I was almost late. By the time I was supposed to be leaving the house, I was just eating dinner. I was bound to be late, that’s for sure. But surprisingly enough, I was not the least bit concerned, nor was I irate when the jeepney I rode on moved like a snail. 
By 8pm, when the shuttle bus was suppose to leave from the pick-up point, I was still several kilometers away from the pick-up point. By that time, I had already concocted schemes in my head as to what I’ll do if the bus leaves without me. I was debating between option 1: wait for the next bus and be 1 hour late for my shift or option 2: commute to the work site and risk getting raped. 
To my surprise, when I arrived at the pick-up point, I saw the bus was still there but just as I was briskly walking towards it, the glorious bus started moving – it was leaving without me! I begun running towards it but halted midway – not wanting to look like ShanCai running after some bus with oranges spilling around her. 
So instead, I ran a different route in the hope that I’ll meet the bus at one point. I must have looked odd – running past drugstores, banks and bakeries pass loitering people but then I have always been odd. I’ve always wanted to be odd and obscure though I must admit I fail at both endeavors. Either I appear plain and thus obscure or I appear odd and immensely noticed. 
Thankfully, I managed to catch the bus and I flagged it down though I think the aged driver didn’t see me even though I was wearing a bright yellow shirt. Mercifully, the bus was running at a snail’s pace and I managed to jump inside it. 
And with my heart thumping loudly, as if it would explode out of my chest, I gracefully flopped down to the next available seat. So much for excitement. So much for adventure. At least I’ll be entering work slightly invigorated.

Have you ever tried jumping inside a moving bus? Well. I did. Today. 


It all started when I didn’t sleep during the time I was supposed to be sleeping in order to prepare myself for my 9pm-6am shift. I knew at that time that something was definitely wrong in my system. I am never this irresponsible when it comes to work. But then I found myself sleeping during the time I was suppose to be preparing for work already – another big NO-NO. 


Apparently, it seems I was pushing myself to some unknown limit. And sure enough, I found myself not wanting to show up for work anymore. The desire to be absent was so strong, I even moved slowly despite the fact that the time clearly shows I was almost late. By the time I was supposed to be leaving the house, I was just eating dinner. I was bound to be late, that’s for sure. But surprisingly enough, I was not the least bit concerned, nor was I irate when the jeepney I rode on moved like a snail. 


By 8pm, when the shuttle bus was suppose to leave from the pick-up point, I was still several kilometers away from the pick-up point. By that time, I had already concocted schemes in my head as to what I’ll do if the bus leaves without me. I was debating between option 1: wait for the next bus and be 1 hour late for my shift or option 2: commute to the work site and risk getting raped. 


To my surprise, when I arrived at the pick-up point, I saw the bus was still there but just as I was briskly walking towards it, the glorious bus started moving – it was leaving without me! I begun running towards it but halted midway – not wanting to look like ShanCai running after some bus with oranges spilling around her. 


So instead, I ran a different route in the hope that I’ll meet the bus at one point. I must have looked odd – running past drugstores, banks and bakeries pass loitering people but then I have always been odd. I’ve always wanted to be odd and obscure though I must admit I fail at both endeavors. Either I appear plain and thus obscure or I appear odd and immensely noticed. 


Thankfully, I managed to catch the bus and I flagged it down though I think the aged driver didn’t see me even though I was wearing a bright yellow shirt. Mercifully, the bus was running at a snail’s pace and I managed to jump inside it. 


And with my heart thumping loudly, as if it would explode out of my chest, I gracefully flopped down to the next available seat. So much for excitement. So much for adventure. At least I’ll be entering work slightly invigorated.

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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