Hello Pluto!

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I am excited. For the first time in my life – and probably the only time in my life – I will be part of a major planetary breakthrough.

Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with space and the universe beyond us. The moment I first laid my hands on a space encyclopedia, I was mesmerized. My small young eyes bulged as I took in photos after photos of our Solar System and the other heavenly bodies beyond. I know they were just artist renditions and the real photos were less stellar, however, I remain fascinated.

I dreamed to be an astronomer, maybe even an astronaut, and be part of space exploration.

Space was what drew me to science at such a young age. A passion I’ve long since explored and cultivated eventually ending up mastering the science of life by taking a course in Biology. As my scientific knowledge grew, I veered away from space science and no longer followed it as closely as I once had.

I simply knew bits and pieces – major milestones in history. And now, with this major milestone, I am all glued to watch it unfold bit by bit.

Pluto, in my mind, has always been the ninth planet. Even when they re-classified it into a dwarf planet and said it was no longer part of the major planets of the Solar System, in my heart it remained a planet. I guess I was being more emotional than rational, affixing childhood memories to the far-flung planet. But I was hopeful that one day, we will discover more about the planet.

And now that moment has come. Although Pluto might not really become a part of the major planets, the mere fact that is has been explored – and that I am part of the generation who witnessed it for the first time – is enough for me.

It is humbling to be such a tiny speck in this vast universe filled with such wondrous things.

To read more about Pluto and the New Horizons project, here are some really great links:

Hello Pluto by Mashable

NASA New Horizons Twitter Page

Hello Pluto by Space.com

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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