4th day on the job

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March 8, 2009

Now this is really getting disturbing – writing daily about my adventures at work. But then again, this is a novelty to me and as such I find it such an interesting topic to write about. I don’t know though if the reader shares the same thoughts.

Anyways, today my first call was an irate customer. My second one was another irate customer. The third was still an irate customer. By the time I got to my fourth call, my voice was already shaking and my supervisor remarked that I sounded nervous. She advised me to simply breathe. I guess even if one does treat each call as a new call, and completely forego the previous call, the subconcious will still kick in and one cannot really control certain factors regarding one’s self much as one would want to. (Am I making sense?)

Good thing though that SGS doesn’t tolerate customers who use abusive language. Otherwise, even if I know I wouldn’t be affected by such language because I wouldn’t take it personally, my subconcious would probably suffer.

The good thing though with my shift is that I was able to identify customer relation as my priority – metrics wise. As such, I need to ensure that in each call the customer would attain total satisfaction with the service I’ve provided.

A good friend and mentor once told me that in our jobs the focus should not be on the salary (although I know that is important) but rather on the service that we deliver to those who we serve in our jobs. For example, a teacher is a servant to his students in the sense that his job is to ensure his students learn something from him. As such his first priority should be the learning of his students. The rest, such as his performance or his salary should be secondary. They are important but they should not take precedence of his primary duty which is to ensure that his students learn.

In the same way, as a technical support representative my priority should be to ensure that every customer who calls me would receive the resolution to his McAfee concern that is within my support boundaries. That should be my first priority – the customer’s experience with me as the agent who helped him. Because that is basically my job – to help hapless and clueless customers with their technical issues.

And having defined that, I now set-off with a new passion and zeal for work. A new definition of every call being a new call. A new motivation to coming to work no matter how tiring the hours maybe.

Now, ain’t that grand?

Author: Ace Gucela

Ace loves reading, writing, and sharing her know-how. She's a Science major who pursued a marketing career. Her unique set of skills & experience enables her to effectively craft long-form content for B2B SaaS companies. When not online, she likes baking & cooking.

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